Uchuu Data Release Papers:
If you use Uchuu data products please cite the following data release papers (and consider adding this text to the acknowledgement section of your papers).
Publications using Uchuu:
We list below all papers found in ADS, as 12/08/23, which have made a direct use of the Uchuu products.
If you use Uchuu data products please cite the following data release papers (and consider adding this text to the acknowledgement section of your papers).
- The Uchuu Simulations: Data Release 1 and Dark Matter Halo Concentrations by Ishiyama, T., Prada, F., Klypin, A., et al. (2021)
- Uchuu-nu2GCC galaxies and AGN: Cosmic variance forecasts of high-redshift AGN for JWST, Euclid, and LSST by Oogi, T., Ishiyama, T., Prada, F. et al. (2022)
- Uchuu-SDSS galaxy lightcones: a clustering, RSD and BAO study by Dong-Páez, CA., et al. (2022)
- The Uchuu-UniverseMachine dataset: Galaxies in and around Cluster by Aung, H., et al. (2022)
- Confirmation of the standard cosmological model from red massive galaxies ∼600 Myr after the Big Bang by Prada, F., et al. (2023)
Publications using Uchuu:
We list below all papers found in ADS, as 12/08/23, which have made a direct use of the Uchuu products.
- Measuring the Hubble constant with coalescences of binary neutron star and neutron star-black hole: bright sirens & dark sirens by Yu, T., et al. (2023)
- The correlation function and detection of baryon acoustic oscillation peak from the spectroscopic SDSS-GalWCat galaxy cluster catalogue by Abdullah, M., et al. (2024)
- The Timeless Timing Argument by Sawala, T., et al. (2023)
- The Aemulus Project VI: Emulation of beyond-standard galaxy clustering statistics to improve cosmological constraint by Storey-Fisher, K. et al., (2023)
- The DESI One-Percent Survey: Modelling the clustering and halo occupation of all four DESI tracers with Uchuu by Prada, F., et al. (2023)
- CONCERTO: Extracting the power spectrum of the [C II] emission line by Van Cuyck, M., et al. (2023)
- Using the star-forming main sequence to explore quiescent galaxies across cosmic time by Houston, T., et al. (2023)
- Subhalo abundance matching using progenitor mass at varying redshift: two modes of stellar mass growth imprinted into the Subaru HSC galaxy clustering by Masaki, S., et al. (2023)
- Galaxy-dark matter connection of photometric galaxies from the HSC-SSP Survey: Galaxy-galaxy lensing and the halo model by Chaurasiya, N., et al. (2023)
- Extragalactic CO emission lines in the CMB experiments: A forgotten signal and a foreground by Maniyar, A. et al., (2023)
- NIKA2 Cosmological Legacy Survey: Survey Description and Galaxy Number Counts by Bing, L., et al. (2023)
- Isolating the linear signal when making redshift space distortion measurements by Chapman, M., et al. (2023)
- CONCERTO: Simulating the CO, [CII], and [CI] line emission of galaxies in a 117 deg2 field and the impact of field-to-field variance by Gkogkou, A., et al. (2023)
- A non-parametric approach to the relation between the halo mass function and internal dark matter structure of haloes by Richardson, T. R. G. & Corasaniti, P. -S. (2023)
- Constraining Cosmological Parameters using the Cluster Mass-Richness Relation by Abdullah, M., et al., (2023)
- The Local Group's mass: probably no more than the sum of its parts by Sawala, T., et al. (2023)
- LCDM halo substructure properties revealed with high resolution and large volume cosmological simulations by Moliné, A., et al. (2023)
- Timing the last major merger of galaxy clusters with large halo sparsity by Richardson, T. & Corasaniti, P.-S. (2022)
- Inferring dark matter halo properties for HI-selected galaxies by Yasin, T., et al. (2022)
- The Dynamical Mass of the Coma Cluster from Deep Learning by Ho, M., et al. (2022)
- Semi-analytical frameworks for subhalos from the smallest to the largest scale by Hiroshima, N., et al. (2022)
- The Aemulus Project V: Cosmological constraint from small-scale clustering of BOSS galaxies by Zhai, Z., et al, (2022)
- The completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: measurement of the growth rate of structure from the small-scale clustering of the luminous red galaxy sample by Chapman, M., et al. (2022)
- Effect of the cosmological transition to metal-enriched star-formation on the hydrogen 21-cm signal by Magg, M., et al. (2022)